Lately it´s been all about multitasking, including:
- Reading new course, which is interesting and information intense
- Getting ready for examination (!!!)
- Throwing journal academy
- Concentrating on wellbeing when the amount of light decreases quickly
- Trying to fix my Swedish
- Trying to take care of people around me
- Trying to take care of dog around me
- Getting ready to show my skills
- Kick-starting thesis (information intensity 10/10)
- Trying to get my head around this stuff that´s happening in this world
- ….
I have to admit i´ve been feeling stressed out lately and that has resulted some panic (=fast) reading which then results, well, mostly learning nothing.
And then, i opened up my social media and it gave me the answer i needed:
So thanks Simon for reminding me that i don´t learn stuff for the exams, i only learn them since my passion of learning and understanding how the world works.
Now it´s all good again!