Service management blogg

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New week, new session!

Good morning,

A new week and new session of the course have started. The last week, I handed in an essay, reflecting over my experience over life cycle analysis. So, while I have to wait for getting the result, I am occupying myself with a lot of reading. Even if it is a lot that I have to read, it is interesting articles and books, because the subject, sustainability is very interesting as well.

Yesterday, we had our first presentation with a poster during the seminar. I never thought we were going to do posters again, since we used PowerPoints with three previous presentations in this course. Anyway, it was somehow relaxing and fun, especially when you read so much, and you just need to grab some colorful pencils and scribble something on a piece of paper. I did mistake though and used orange, which turned out unreadable. I guess I was having too much fun that I thought like: “Oh let’s make it bright with some orange”. I bet I would have used yellow if that had been available as well😆.

I am sorry about the orange xD


I wonder if we are going to do some posters at the workshop today.

Well, in the meantime I am going continue reading and have some delicious breakfast before the workshop starts.

Until the next time,


04 oktober, 2018

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Master's programme