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Linkedin tips: keep an eye on your profile ,)


Are you an expert in Linkedin? The professional network that nowadays focuses on simplifying the way young professionals  and experts can connect, look for jobs and share the business best practices. Let’s check then .)

Earlier this month I had the opportunity to attend the presentation of the LinkedIn at Campus Helsingborg and here are the tips he shared with us:

  • Check if you are connected to industry experts
  • Always update your headline: e.g. MSc in Service Management, tourism or/and Looking for new opportunities
  • Remember to mention your: Achievements, Key accomplishments, Key wins: 3-5 of them a ”Summary”
  • Presentations, Thesises, articles are very welcomed and add pictures, as people spend more time on the profile that has images, as they grab attention
  • You can also share some articles of your interest: to be more visible
  • And last, but not least have a look at Lund Alumni page

Good luck!

Wish everyone a fruitful week!



27 mars, 2017

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