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A creative week

Hello 🙂

More than a week has passed since the study visit at Nowaste, and this week has been full of creative activities.

First, on Tueseday, we had an interesting start with a literature seminar in the retail class where we dived into a couple of articles. We had to read two articles each in advance and then find the aims, the theoretical approaches, the methods and similarities and differences between the articles together in groups. At the end of the seminar we presented our analysis.

And obviously my group had the most text on the poster we made for the presentation. Well, this is what happens when I am allowed to write on a poster. I tend to write more than I should and I seem to have difficulties to shorten anything I write. (If I start to write a book one day, I might never be able to come to an end, lol). Anyway, my group had about two hours to discuss about three articles and create the poster, working into the very last minute. If we had got another extra hour I know I would have filled the poster with more text xD.
















Though surprisingly I did not put that much text on the next poster which I had to make during a lecture the next day. We had a lecture in retail and supply chain and when the lecture neared its end, we were given the task to visualize how we would make toasts. (No, I am not joking xD). I took a wild guess that I should describe the supply chain process of how the toast become a toast from production to finished edible product, which I did, because the lecture had been about supply chain, supply chain management, logistics, supply chain process. Some of these terms had been defined during the lecture and we had to discuss them in pairs by using Nowaste as example.

And finally I got a lot to write on Thursday. We had a workshop the entire day, from nine o’clock (of course with an academic quarter which means we started at quarter past nine) in the morning to three o’clock in the afternoon. We were divided into groups and had to carry out an ethnographic study by doing observation followed by a research question of our choice and later present our analysis. And apparently, I wrote much more than anyone did when I was taking field notes during my observation. I think I must have got carried away with taking field notes because our teacher said that the field notes do not need to be beautiful but that we had to write something in order to show to him that we have done an observation. (-Sometimes I can hardly read my own hand-writing when I take notes during the lectures and I spend hours on interpreting what I have written- I felt a bit bad when I handed in my field notes after the presentation *laughs*)

Anyway, besides writing a lot, I and my group conducted an ethnographic study down in Kullagatan. It is a famous shopping street in Helsingborg, just about fifteen minutes away from Campus. We observed the shopping behavior and attitudes, how it changed during the course of couple of hours in this shopping street, by sitting outside at Espresso House. (And it was freaking cold lol. It was super warm weather the previous day and I thought it would be warm the next day as well, but the first days of April can be so deceiving. I was not prepared. I wore thin clothes because I thought it was going to be warm and sunny. I was thankful that I brought my umbrella with me or I would have been soaked in the afternoon rain while walking home). The poster below shows our analysis from our observation

Have a nice weekend ^^

07 april, 2018