Service management blogg

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Make the best out of your studies!

Hey everyone!

This week I am especially happy. Although there were quite a few things on my to-do-list, I am super satisfied with the outcome. Wednesday was finally the day when it should be decided whether I get the job as event coordinator for the Social Science Union. Aaaaand… I got it 🙂 I am really looking forward to this great and exciting year, and am happy that I got this opportunity.

So the message I would like to share today, is that everyone should make the best out of their studies. It is not always about what you learn in class, but far more often about your extracurricular activities and passions which you pursue ”on the side”. So even when you feel unhappy about some courses that you are taking, try to make use of them in everyday life. I am sure you will always learn something from them! And it also means that you should follow your dreams – do as much of what you love doing besides your studies, because most times it will pay off. Like it did for me 🙂

And when you study service management, you will learn things that you can apply everywhere – good customer service, having the right attitude and even practical skills like bookkeeping. Combined with experience from what you really love doing (in my case working with events), you will be highly demanded!

As Rebecca said, I would like to finish with a quote à la Joy 🙂

dreams don't work unless you do

13 april, 2013