Service management blogg

Morgondagens ledare bloggar om studentlivet

Believe you can and you’re halfway there.

Hello Everyone! My name is Khan Kasi, It’s a privilege to be part Campus Helsingborg at Lund University as a blogger for Service Management Logistics. Yes! I have a believe of achieving something greater with my Masters in Service Management Logistics at Lund University and that believe as proven to be right and even grown much stronger then ever because, I believe it’s not only the lectures in university that makes us learn something new but also the whole environment around it. Being part of Lund University at Campus Helsingborg has given me those opportunities in the form of many interactions, I have had during my time here, either it is in the form of being a member at Lund Innovation or as an SI leader and many more other opportunities.

Art restaurant  "Canova Tadolini" Rome, Italy
Art restaurant ”Canova Tadolini” Rome, Italy

As a new student blogger, I would like you to join me in my journey of self discovery in the beautiful environment of books and social cultural diversification at Lund University. It will be interesting to hear your ideas and thoughts as well, so please stay tuned in to find out more… every Friday! Yours Sincerely Kasi